Victoria County Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Engagement Survey

By sharing your experiences and insights, your voice will help to inform our plan to make Victoria County a more welcoming and inclusive place to live and work.

  • The survey has 20-25 questions, depending on how you respond.
  • The first 6 to 10 questions are multiple choice and help us understand the diverse perspectives represented in the County.
  • The last 14 questions are short answer format and will help inform our IDEA committee.
  • You can save your answers and resume later (a unique link will be provided to you to resume the survey) - to save for later, scroll to the bottom of the survey and click on Save and Resume Later.
  • You can scroll up and down through the questions. Click on a question to highlight the question and add your answer.
  • If you would like to answer the survey by telephone or have any difficulty using this form, please contact Yvette Rogers, Community Development Coordinator, by telephone or text at (902) 295-8135 or by emailing yvette.rogers@victoriacounty.ca
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