Recreation Funding Programs

Community groups are eligible for funding to assist in implementing programs for youth 18 years old and younger. Funding is also available to support cultural programs with a focus in music, genealogy, step-dancing, square-dancing, gaelic language classes, etc. Organizations may apply for assistance to implement programs to assist seniors interested in participating in social activities, educational presentations, cultural programs, and sporting activities. Most funding assistance is available to a maximum of $500.00 and must be matched by your organization. See application and descriptions of our funding opportunities below. 

General Recreation Funding

For programs that might not fit under the criteria of leadership development, sport related travel assistance, special events, etc.

Embrace Winter Grants

The Victoria County Recreation & Active Living Dept. encourages community groups to develop and implement winter activities that provide opportunity for residents to be active and enjoy the outdoors during the winter season. Funding only available from Nov. to Feb.

Healthy Eating Assistance

This program is open to registered non-profits, schools and First Nations communities that provide programming in indoor and outdoor recreation settings. Funding can be used for the purchase of any equipment that helps facilities or programs align better with the Canada Food Guide.

Leadership Development Fund

Funding is available for groups or individuals who are interested in taking or offering training programs related to recreation & active living throughout Victoria County. This program is cost-shared between the municipality and the individual or organization.

Sports & Recreation Travel Assistance

Funding is available for teams to help cover travel expenses incurred travelling to local, provincial, or national competition.

Special Events Funding

Community groups are eligible for funding assistance to host an event related to sport, recreation, active living, or arts, culture, & heritage.

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