Planning & Inspection

Within Victoria County, development must be in conformance with the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. The Municipal Planning Strategy is a legal document prepared by Council in consultation with the community stating policy on a broad range of planning issues. Designations and other policies are established to direct residential, commercial, industrial and recreational uses to the most appropriate areas. The Land Use By-law implements the policies established in the Municipal Planning Strategy. Within each designation, there may be several zones, addressing the diverse types of residential, commercial, industrial or recreational uses. As such, specific locations in the area have different permitted uses and development requirements.

In planned areas, it is necessary to obtain a development permit. This permit is required for all new construction and any change in use of an existing structure. It is confirmation the project is in compliance with the regulations of the Land Use By-law. Should your proposal not conform to the existing Strategy and By-law, it is sometimes possible to amend the documents.

Web Site: Eastern District Planning Commission

Building Inspector

David MacKenzie

Senior Building and Fire Inspector

Phone: 902-295-2900

Secondary: 902-295-8101

Fax: 902-295-3650