Update: Public Works Department

Victoria County Council met with representatives from the municipal Public Works department on Monday Sept 13, 2021 for an update on various projects.

  • Heavy Garbage collection begins September 27, 2021. Look for a Heavy Garbage newsletter in your mailbox this week.
  • Water Rate Study: As regulated, Victoria County must undertake a Water Rate Study for all its water utilities. A consultant has been hired to review all water utility rates in the county. It is expected the report will be presented to council sometime this fall.  The rate study will then be presented to the NS UARB (Nova Scotia Utility & Review Board), the board which sets water rates. A notice will be posted on the Victoria County website prior to a public hearing.
  • Baddeck Courthouse building: A tender has been issued to conduct a facilities assessment on the Baddeck Courthouse, to look at the long-term viability of the building, as well as up-coming accessibility requirements. The consultant will provide a report sometime next month with any issues and potential costs.
  • Neil’s Harbour Water Treatment: Work continues on upgrades to the Neil’s Harbour water treatment plant. All is on track for a December completion.
  • ICI-Tags: A pilot project was proposed to answer concerns from the business community regarding getting their waste to our facilities. The project would see businesses in the ICI sector (Industrial, Commercial, Institutions) purchase ICI-Tags from the municipality to allow them to add up to 4 more bags to their weekly collection. Staff are working on details of how the program will work, the cost of the tags, and other details. Council voted to proceed with a 1-year ICI-Tag pilot project to begin in November, once all the details are worked out.

The next Victoria County council session is Monday September 20, 2021 beginning at 5 pm in Council Chambers in the Baddeck Courthouse. Tune in to see presentations this week from the Cape Breton Victoria Centre for Education and the Nova Scotia Health Authority. Council sessions are live streamed on our Facebook page and posted on the Victoria County YouTube channel.