Czech Republic Fact-Finding Report

Presentation to Victoria County Council

Victoria County Council has approved a report presented to Council on behalf of staff representatives sent to the Czech Republic on a fact-finding trip by Council.

The Victoria County team examined several tourism models in Czech Republic to evaluate potential for sustainable, year-round tourism in Ingonish and throughout Victoria County. The report, including the meetings with municipal officials in the Czech Republic, was presented to Council by Parker Horton, Economic Development Officer – Victoria County. It provides an overview of the 10-day fact-finding trip. Here’s a quote from his presentation, followed by the report.

“Our recent trip was a real eye-opener, showing me the incredible opportunities that lie ahead for Victoria County. It’s become clear that with a solid strategic plan and a shared vision, we can achieve remarkable growth and bring our community closer. The success stories we’ve seen are not just inspiring—they’re actionable models we can adapt to our own needs. This journey has made me more committed to fostering a future where strategic planning and community involvement are at the heart of our development. Together, we can make Victoria County a place of prosperity and unity.”

Parker Horton, Economic Development Officer

Exploring Sustainable Tourism Development Report

Tourism Digital Assistance Program

Deadline to apply – May 5!

Improve your online presence to attract customers and close the sale. The Tourism Digital Assistance Program will help eligible tourism businesses increase their visibility online and provide the services customers expect, like online booking. Tourism Nova Scotia, in partnership with Digital Nova Scotia, will connect you with a qualified digital consultant to enhance or develop effective digital marketing or e-commerce tools.

Participants in the program benefit from:

  • Consultant services valued up to $5,000
  • Expert support in tactics including website creation, search engine optimization, content creation, digital marketing strategy, social media strategy, online booking systems, and e-commerce tools