A few words from Warden Bruce Morrison

March 31, 2020
A few words from Warden Bruce Morrison:

On behalf of myself and Victoria County councillors, I would like to thank each and everyone of you.
The COVID-19 global pandemic has clearly changed the way we live our lives. Everyone, including the municipality, is figuring out how to make our world work in this new reality.
One thing is very clear: Victoria County residents and businesses are abiding by the public health protocols and making every effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus.We see it in the quietness of our communities and respect for social distancing in our public facilities.

This must continue; for our friends, our neighbours and for the future of our businesses. We need, now more than ever, to continue to follow the provincial rules. We are all in this together.
      • Stay home. When you can get out for some fresh air, maintain physical distancing by maintaining a six-foot distance (the length of a hockey stick) between you and other people.
      • When you get outside, stay in your own neighbourhood. Most trails are closed and the RCMP are monitoring these sites for those who are not following the provincial rules. Again, maintain a six-foot distance with other people.
      • If you see someone who you believe is not self isolating, treat them with kindness. Perhaps they need help and are unsure where to turn. Offer to help find them the help they need. Direct them to the resources. There are ways to help from a distance.
      • Get your information from reliable sources:
Federal Government: www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
Provincial Government: www.novascotia.ca/coronavirus
Victoria Countyhttps://victoriacounty.com/covid-19/

Council commends Victoria County medical professionals, our doctors and nurses; our front-line grocery store workers and pharmacies staff, our janitorial and cleaning crews and others deemed essential by the province. These people are putting themselves at risk so that we can live in health.
Finally, thanks to our own municipal staff– from on-site Public Works staff and garbage collections crews to water utility operators and administration personnel, all are working hard to keep the municipality running in these extraordinary circumstances.

Warden Bruce Morrison & Victoria County Councillors

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