Budget Survey 2025


In February 2024, Victoria County launched its first budget survey to gather direct community input for the 2024-2025 municipal budget. With 271 responses, the survey insights were shared with Council at the outset of budget deliberations and used to guide decisions. For the 2025-2026 fiscal year, survey responses will continue to inform the budgeting process.

In addition to completing this survey online using the form below, residents were also mailed a paper copy of the Budget Survey which was included in the municipal newsletter, News & Views, Issue 6, Pages 3-6. You can also complete the survey by phone by calling Alix Redden at (902) 295-3651.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues while completing the budget survey, please contact Alix Redden, Chief Financial Officer, by calling (902) 295-3651 or by emailing alix.redden@victoriacounty.ca.

The Budget Survey is now closed. Thank you to all who participated!