Budget Survey 2025


In February 2024, Victoria County launched its first budget survey to gather direct community input for the 2024-2025 municipal budget. With 271 responses, the survey insights were shared with Council at the outset of budget deliberations and used to guide decisions. For the 2025-2026 fiscal year, survey responses will continue to inform the budgeting process.

In addition to completing this survey online using the form below, residents were also mailed a paper copy of the Budget Survey which was included in the municipal newsletter, News & Views, Issue 6, Pages 3-6. You can also complete the survey by phone by calling Alix Redden at (902) 295-3651.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues while completing the budget survey, please contact Alix Redden, Chief Financial Officer, by calling (902) 295-3651 or by emailing alix.redden@victoriacounty.ca.

Deadline to submit: February 24, 2025.

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Step 1 of 4
1. Municipal Services - Please rate the importance of the following services when deciding how to allocate budget funds in Victoria County.
1. Not Important At All2. Not So Important3. Neutral4. Important5. Very Important
Active Living & Recreation (programming, funding, events)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Communication with Residents (newsletter, website, social media)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Community Development and Placemaking
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Community Supports (funding for community/non-profit groups)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Economic Development (attracting and keeping business)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Emergency Services (fire services, emergency management)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Green and Climate Focused Initiatives (public education, infrastructure upgrades)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
New Capital Infrastructure (new water utility, wastewater facilities)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Public Transit (Victoria County Transit)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Protective Services (building permits, animal control, by-law enforcement)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Seniors’ Safety (education, outreach, advocacy)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Tourism (visitor attraction, cultural and arts festivals and events)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Trails and Green Space Development
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Upgrading Aging Infrastructure (existing municipal buildings, water services)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Waste Management (transfer stations, recycling depots, curbside collection)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important
Water Services (water collection, treatment and distribution)
1. Not Important At All
2. Not So Important
3. Neutral
4. Important
5. Very Important