Looking for Candidates in Victoria County!

Posted on:
July 15, 2024

The makeup of Victoria County Council will soon be very different.  Several long serving councillors who represent constituents from one end of the County to the other, have decided not to reoffer in the upcoming municipal elections taking place October 19, 2024.  

Those Council members who will not be reoffering are:

Councillor – Not Reoffering  District Description  
District 1 – Paul MacNeil, who has served as Councillor for 17 years is not reoffering.  District 1:  Iona Peninsula, communities of Bucklaw and Wagmatcook, Nyanza to the Yankee Line Road intersection on the north and south side of the Trans Canada Highway 
District 3 – Bruce Morrison, who has served as Warden since 2008 and as Councillor since 1997 not reoffering.  District 3: Starting at western side at Alderwood Lane (221 Shore Road) east along the shores of the Bras d’Or Lakes to 1031 Hwy 205 which encompasses Crescent Grove Road. Bordered by the Trans Canada Highway on the northern side where Hwy 205 meets Hwy 105 west.  
District 4 – Barbra Longva, who has served as Councillor since 2020 is not reoffering.  District 4: Beginning at 1031 Hwy 205, northeast, including the remainder of Baddeck Bay, Big Harbour, Englishtown. Exit 11 on Trans Canada Highway north to the foot of Cape Smokey, including River Bennet and Jersey Cove.  
District 6 – Larry Dauphinee, who has served as Councillor since 2009 and Deputy Warden since 2019 is not reoffering.  District 6: Foot of Cape Smokey north along the Cabot Trail to 36084 Cabot Trail on the south.  
District 8 – Norm MacDonald, who has served as Councillor since 2016 and is not reoffering.  District 8: All of Victoria County north of the Aspy Bridge.  
Table of District Councillors who are not reoffering and a description of the District.

The Municipality of Victoria County wants to thank all Councillors who have given many years of service to the people here.  

Here are the Councillors who have indicated they will reoffer:

Councillors – Reoffering  District Description  
District 2 – Perla MacLeod District 2: Westside Middle River, Yankee Line and Middle River to county line. Big Baddeck including residents along the Buckwheat Road and along the north side of the Trans Canada Highway from the Yankee Line Road east to the point where districts two, three and four intersect. One the south side of the Trans Canada Highway from the Baddeck River Bridge east to just before 221 Shore Road.  
District 7 – Jackie Organ District 7: 36068 Cabot Trail north to Aspy Bridge including Neil’s Harbour, New Haven, White Point, Smelt Brook.  
District 5 – Fraser PattersonDistrict 2: Victoria County portion of Boularderie Island and New Harris Settlement north to Cape Dauphin.  
Table of District Councillors who are reoffering and a description of the District.

With many upcoming empty chairs expecting to be filled, we encourage those interested in serving the best interest of the community to put their name forward in the upcoming election for all eight Districts of the County.  

We are encouraging passionate community members who are willing to take a leadership role in the community to help guide the future direction of Victoria County and get involved. Details on the nomination process and what life is like as a councillor are available from Blair Gallop, Returning Officer for Victoria County. 

To be eligible to become a candidate, a person must be a Canadian Citizen, aged 18 or older, who resides in Victoria County since March 9, 2024.  

Contact Blair Gallop, Returning Officer at 902-295-2117 or by email at blair.gallop@victoriacounty.ca.  

Graphic of politician at a podium and text reading, "2024 Election: Looking for Candidates in Victoria County."

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